Monday, October 04, 2004

Stupid 8:30 classes

Man, I can't wait until 8:30 classes become no longer a part of my every-day schedule. Here it is at 1:40 and I have an 8:30 class in the morning. Well, looks like I'm not going to be there again. I got enough stuff on my plate right now. Chow Fan being the most abundant at the moment, hehe. Anyway so yea, its not just the fried rice, I need to catch up on my Bass practicing, as well as get a book read, and write a test for Chinese class on Thursday. I also have laundry to do as well. I pretty much only have about four pairs of pants that I wear, therefore I have to do the stupid laundry very often. Hopefully I can perhaps get some*ahem* discounted jeans from somewhere near Bayview and Sheppard............

Anyway, moving on. Had a nice Kegger at Alex's house yesterday. There was a lot of people there. 180 or something was the count. It seems that every year that kegger goes on, more and more cops show up LOL. Got kinda hungry, took it easy on the alcohol comsumption, its more fun that way. And also learned that Bubbletea and Beer do not mix together too well. I'm now going to conduct and experiment. Which is worse; Bubbletea with beer, or cheerios with beer. I think that it is going to be a tossup between the two. Today was nice as well, much more relaxing, and probably one of the best days I've had in a while, eventhough I wasn't totally there, and the oven dying when we were trying to make muffins. But it doesn't really matter what happens in a day to make it good, its who you spend it with that really makes these moments some of the best times you can possibly have. I'm not sure if this post is making any sense anymore, I'm so tired and out of it I can't even think anymore. Maybe I should go to sleep.


Blogger Donna said...

Maybe not THAT particular location....but any other store, sure =) There's lotsa other stuff on sale too now! Wheee! =D

No, you are SO not going to conduct an experiment. You KNOW already how bad Beerios are, and you've seen the aftermath of beer and bubbletea. There really is nothing left to find out through an experiment. There. Enough said.

Crazy ballet dancers on the french channel are strikingly similar to someone's badminton SKILL. Hahaha! Too bad the oven's dead. =( The cable's working though!! You gain some, you lose some, you tickle some...=P

October 4, 2004 at 10:08 p.m.  
Blogger Dan said...

Donna, it wouldn't be the /worst/ experiment he's done. I'm recalling adventures with rice krispie "squares"...

I'm going to get some tapioca pearls and make bubble beer.

Surely I live the rock and roll lifestyle.

October 7, 2004 at 5:45 p.m.  

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