Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Days are winding down

So now its Tuesday night. Im flying out for China on Saturday very early in the morning. So what else is there for me to do? Well not too much. Working is one thing on the list, as well as preparing for this 3 week journey out of the Continent. This will be the first time for me every being outside of North America, so this is going to be a great experience for me.

As for how this class is going so far? Well I did really well on the 2 quizes that I've written so far, but I'm quite positive that I did really poorly on this test that I just wrote. There was a listening part on the test where the teacher only played the audio once, and there were about 4-5 questions for each dialogue. On top of this the dialogue was talking really fast, and I can't pick up on it when it flies by at a normal conversational level. Then there were the re-writting sentences into proper grammar. We all know how my my grammar is in English, we don't even need to take a look at my grammar in Chinese. Next was the translating English words into Chinese. This is the only section that I think I did really well on. The last part of the test was translating English sentences into Chinese. Again with the grammar, and not only that, some words that I can read in Chinese, but cannot write; so again this section, not so good. Oh well I guess, there always my tests in Shanghai to do better on.

Gotta go now, kinda jonesin for some 饺子 right about now.


Blogger Donna said...

Why would you say that things are "winding down" if your trip hasn't even begun, summer has barely started, and there are still at least 3 months where you don't have school???

May 18, 2005 at 1:07 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck and have fun! Respresent the minority... the white people trying to learn Chinese. If you can do it, hopefully I can do. Come watch the Jays when you return!

May 18, 2005 at 7:20 p.m.  
Blogger Alex said...

Hey man i hope you have a good time on your trip. I know that i just saw u on wed. but meh! i can type it here too. Wed. was fun though hahah good to see that work isn't stressin you out as much. looks like things are pretty simple without customers. Again, I hope that you have a good time and pick up the language and some grammer by the sounds of things. Good luck man. and take care

May 20, 2005 at 10:51 a.m.  
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