Friday, February 04, 2005

Losing its touch

I seem to realize that on these blogs, it takes me more time to think of a title than it takes me to type out the actual blog itself. So this time I'm going to try something new for a change. I am going to type out the blog and hope that when I am complete, a title will pop into my mind. Don't Hold your breath now.

Anyway so it has been a while since I have done an update. I cannot even remember what I have done in the past few weeks. All I know is that I have been taking a lot of time off of playing Badminton. I think I am finally back in to the mode of playing too much each week. This does not really bother me too much though, since I have been kinda itching to get back onto the courts. There are a bunch of tournaments coming up soon; during the reading week time. I'm not sure how many of those I will be playing in, but as far as I know there are 4 that are occuring during that week. All I know for now is that I am going to play in the YUBC/Western joint tourney on the 19th of Feb. There is also that UTSC tournament in the middle of the week I could play in, but I would really like to get out of here for a few days before I go insane.

Anyway, I'm going to end here, I'm really starting to find it hard to find things useful to say on this blog these days.............


Blogger Alex said...

Hey, i know it's hard to get things to go ur way, believe me. But don't worry about it, just prioratize, and do stuff that you like, don't sweat the small things, life's not worth it. Do what makes you happy; in life that's all you can do.

February 11, 2005 at 10:18 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

badminton, YEEEESSSS!!! c'mon shuttle master! you can't let us down now!! just tourney till your little goggles fog up with the passion for the game that is blinding perspiration and you can tourney no more!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ZIIIIINNNNYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 15, 2005 at 9:49 p.m.  

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