綠茶, you are my only hope of staying awake
Since I lack any coffee in this house (and also since I do not drink any), I have to rely on my 綠茶 to keep me awake. I have a giant beer mug full of it. It took 5 tea bags to make it taste half decent. It also does not help that we have no milk in the house. I always find that green tea tastes best with some milk in it. Oh well, it is still tasty. The reason why I need this tea to keep me awake, is because I have a test and an assignment tomorrow. The assignment (which I just started about 5 minutes ago, and am now taking a break from it to post this useless blog) Is roughly about 16 pages long. It is called a "Listening Log". Basically I have a template for a song that I have to listen to, which has about 1 page worth of writing on each one, explaining different features of the song and such. Well I have 16 songs in which I have to write about by tomorrow first thing! On top of that, I have a Mandarin Test tomorrow in which I have a good page worth of PinYin to learn as well! For this reason, I must find a way to stay awake until these tasks are complete, as well as eliminate all possible distractions which thus far, is not working out too well. Stupid Blogger!
Anyway the best part about having to do all this crap, is that it was my Birthday today. Yay for me, 20 years........ young. I would say thats a good present, having to stay up all night to do some stupid assignment that I really do not feel like doing. Oh well, you win some you lose some. Other than that, I had a really nice day today, starting at 4 and ending at roughly 12. I wish that it could have lasted longer, but even an hour would have made me really happy :). Thanks again for being with me ;)
Anyway the best part about having to do all this crap, is that it was my Birthday today. Yay for me, 20 years........ young. I would say thats a good present, having to stay up all night to do some stupid assignment that I really do not feel like doing. Oh well, you win some you lose some. Other than that, I had a really nice day today, starting at 4 and ending at roughly 12. I wish that it could have lasted longer, but even an hour would have made me really happy :). Thanks again for being with me ;)