Monday, November 29, 2004

A Winner is ME

Indeed a winner is me, after this weekend. It all started with a little clubbing experience. Well most of you that somewhat know me, know that I don't usually go clubbing for I'm not a fan of doing that sort of thing. But of course there are some special occasions where sometimes I find myself stumbling onto the dance floor. So anyway, it all started on Friday evening. Once everyone finally got ready to go to Distrikt, we all piled into my little 1000HP Cavalier (lol!)
We made it downtown around 11:30 or so, can't remember the time for sure. Anyway so it turned out to be a night where I did not want to drink too much, but that sure did not happen. First the beer, then the rum and coke, then the shots, then more rum and coke, more shots and more beer. I cannot really remember how much I had that night, still not too much, considering I am a lightweight and all (8-9 drinks is probably the MAX I had). So I'm of course feeling pretty good, making an ass of myself on the dance floor, as usual, then I decided that I should go to the washroom, after who knows how many drinks without a single break. Once I get out of the washroom, I realize that I had too much to drink (which was probably about 30 minutes after my last drink). So we finally leave the club at about 3:30, me not feeling any better, decided that I should settle for the finger down the throat routine. So I do that in a park near where my car was parked, not feeling any better on the ride home, I had a nice plastic bag to hold onto. Once we finally got home, which was at about 4-4:30 or so in the morning, I immediately jumped into bed and passed out for about 20 minutes, since that seems to be the cure to my sickness from too much alcohol. Once I woke up, I was feeling a lot better, but not really any less tipsy from the booze, I spent the rest of the short night, talking away with Dondon.

Why does that make me a winner you ask? Well the rest of the story is what makes me a winner. I had to wake up at 8 that morning to play and a Badminton League play in Bradford. So of course I spent the night talking so I didn't to fall asleep and was still awake at 8AM. Donna couldn't make it up so Brian and I headed to Bradford and left her at home so she could sleep. We arrived at the school at 9am after meeting up with Khoa and Nhi. I was of course, still in no condition to drive at that point so Brian drove my car. Thank goodness for Designated Drivers. So shorlty after 9, Brian and I had our first match, against the best men's doubles team that was there. So we both stumble onto the courts (Brian not really having much sleep that night either, if any) and we start warming up. I look up at the birdie and realized that I was still drunk! I'll tell you that it is not easy playing badminton at all after not sleeping the night before and being drunk all at the same time. Needless to say that we did not win our first match, but we still almost had them. We could have played better that game despite being in the condition that we were in. We ended up playing 2 more matches that day, but we won those 4 games pretty easily, suprising enough.

So once my matches were all done, I immediatly went home so I could catch some sleep. Me of course being an idiot, had a craving for an iced Cap on the way home. That is likely the reason why I still could not sleep when I got home. Eventually we all went out for KBBQ to celebrate........ the fact that we were hungry? Anyway so after KBBQ we went home, I popped on msn for a bit, as usual and headed to bed at 1:30am. Was awoken at 3 or so by a phone call and then went back to bed and did not wake up today until 3pm. Needless to say that this Sunday was a not very eventful one for me, just did some driving and took care of a few simple things.

Anyway so thats the end of my story, the moral: Clubbing, consuming Booze and playing Badminton should not be done in such small intervals from eachother. I'm lucky I actually survived it all lol.

Friday, November 26, 2004

No more Music and Cultures for me, for now anyway

Yep so its been said and done. I finally decided to drop a course in University. I have been tempted many times in the past, but I was finally proded to do so this morning.

It all started yesterday when I asked my friend if there was anything coming up in our class soon, since I have only been to that class 2 times thus far. To my dismay, he tells me that there is a Test coming up the next day (which would be today now). So I decided to go home and think about studying for it. Turns out that I decided to go to Crappy Tire to get some things, as well as T&T to get some groceries. I get home about 3:30pm or so and decided to start cracking on the studying. Well of course that only lasted about 5 minutes when I logged into msn and decided to look at stuff on ebay. That took about an hour of my time, and by about 4:30 or so, maybe 5:00, I decided to take a nap. I hopped into bed, and my mind started racing. What the heck am I going to do with my room? I want to re-organize my room, but cannot seem to find a good method in doing so. My room may be big, but it was not designed too well, which makes it hard to set it up. So anyway, after laying in bed for about 10 minutes, I decieded that I did not want to sleep anymore. Again, I hopped onto MSN and starting talking with Donna about how I can rearrange the stuff in my room. Another hour or so passed, and we got nowhere, other than me keeping her from doing her essay that was due, sorry! So 6 o'clock hits and I decided to head into Nobleton to say hi to the parents and grab a few things to bring back. I wanted to be home farely early, like maybe 9 at the latest, but I did not get home until about 10:30 or so. Time to study? Heh I wish, MSN somehow got in the way again. So between 10:30 and 2:00, I think I got about a good half hour of studying to do. After that I went to bed so I could wake up in the morning to write the test.

The next morning rolls around and I decided to sleep through Lecture and go to class to tutorial, where the test would take place. I arrive at school at about 10:28 or so, and Tutorial is supposed to start at 10:30. I peek my head through the window of the classroom, and I see the Prof there, who doesn't teach the tutorial. This makes me think to myself that I had a few more minutes before tutorial, so I could study a bit longer. Next thing I know, its 20 minutes later, and Tutorial has not started yet. I walk over to the class, and I still see the Prof there, but it looked like the class was doing the test. Its not like I can walk in late to the test either, its a listening test and they only play the examples once. Kinda frusterated, I decided to walk home and drop the course. That test was another 5% down the drain. I've already lost 5% on the test before that one, as well as another 5% from attendence, and I also handed in the assignment for that class 5 days late. If I really tried, I could still pass the course, but I need to to better than that to keep my GPA up, so I'll try again with the course next year. And that is the end of mu Horrific tale, hehe.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Another Friend almost gone

In about a week or so, it will be time to say goodbye to yet another friend. It just seems to me that in the past 5-6 months or so, that everyone is dissappearing to a different Asian country. First its Otto going back to HK, then Nathan dissappears to Japan. Next thing you know Nick is out in Korea and now Thu is about to go off to Taiwan. Although it is farely sad that each of these individuals is leaving, you cannot help to feel very proud of them at the same time. They are all taking their lives to the next level, following their own paths and knowing that there is nothing in their way to bind them to the societies that they have grown up in and became used to. All I can say is that I wish the best to all of them, wherever they may go or wherever they may end up.

On another note, just lived through a nice and busy week, and just started yet another one. Last week consisted basically of trying to promote the YCSA tourney, getting trophies, trying to keep Donna from going insane, as well as trying to do well on a Mandarin test. I think I did ok in most aspects, but of course, not perfectly. This week consists of an essay outline that I didn't do, a dramatic telling of one story in Chinese and a dramatic reading of another, travelling downtown for a makeup bass lesson, going downtown on Friday to party one last time with Thu, and also perhaps play in another tournament on Saturday in Bradford. Looks like no time to rest this week either, oh well.

I also have another thing that makes me ponder. It seems that a lot of the people that I have made friends with over the last year or so in University think that I am an alcoholic. I'm not exactly sure why they think this way. Sure I do enjoy the burnful taste of Jack Daniels and Bacardi 151, but not on a regular basis. Sure I can possibly drink more than most of my friends in YUBC, but thats only for one reason, IM WHITE!!!!! Compared to my high school friends back in Nobleton, I am a disgrace to all drinkers, and I kinda feel like I am going to be a disgrace to everyone at Distrikt on Friday. That is all I think that I have to say about the topic. My drinking habits are pretty weak for a white guy.

I know none of these topics I talked about seem to link in any way whatsoever. All I can say is that you are right, they dont link up at all, my mind thinks in very random ways, and that is all that I have to say

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Some change needs to be done

So I have been thinking a lot in the past few days, since I actually had some time to relax this weekend. I have been hearing some negative comments about how YUBC is being run poorly. And I would have to say that I totally agree. There are many things that need to be done in order to make the club a lot better place. There are no fingers to point in this situation however, this change needs to be done by all the members of the Exec, its not just one person who is doing things wrong. Sure we are all doing some things well, but others not so well. So basically today was the start of the new face of YUBC. Trying to communicate a lot more, since that is our biggest problem, communicating with the other execs, as well as communicating more with the members. I know that so far I have been doing a really poor job with communicating with the members. With the YCSA tourney just around the corner, this is a perfect time to show that we can improve. And I feel confident that it will.

So this week appears to be the "Week from Hell" for most people. I for one, do not fall into this category. I have a test in chinese on thursday, and thats it really for the whole week. Gives me more time to focus on other things. Too bad that since this is the "Week From Hell", I can't really spend much time with certain people. All I have is MSN and that program is so bloody impersonal its impossible to figure out what anyone means. Even with all the webcam stuff and all that, it still isn't close to being the same as really being with the person. For this reason, I feel that it is going to be a long week for me :(.

Man I can't wait until breaktime, no more stupid useless courses to worry about. Maybe during the break I can get everything that I want moved into the house, so I get one more thing off my mind.

Probably be doing some jamming with Alex and Sean during the break, that will be really nice. I haven't done that for a long time and I am really starting to miss it. Time is hard to find. Always wish there was more of it.

Sometimes I feel that a day should be so much longer than it is. It seems that the ideal day for me, since I love to sleep about 10 hours a day, and be awake for about 17, that the day should be 27 hours long. That would be perfect for me. Considering I only slept for 2 hours last night, then had a morning class and then YUBC. It would have been nice to get three extra hours lol.

So what else? Hmmm. Well this weekend was really nice and relaxing for a change. I really needed some time and I got it this weekend. Visited the parents on Saturaday, ate some great food and also went out for a nice dinner on Sunday. The only problem was that I missed most of Sunday because I didn't get up until 2:30pm. I really gotta stop doing that if I want to get some sleep the next night, considering I have an 8:30 class on monday morning :s. Well I guess thats all the boredom material I will shower you with for now, take care.....

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Wow, Done already

I think that I am starting to get better with my procrastination. I mean I have an essay due tomorrow morning, and I was finished it at 2:30am! I must say, that is likely the best that I have ever done on an essay. And the best part is that I started it yesterday as well! I wrote and entire 200 of 2000 words last night. I would say that is pretty good. Last year for one of my major essays, I did half an hour of research, and wrote the entire paper, all the day before it was due. So starting a day earlier is like uncharted territory. And what better way to celebrate, than to have some BACON AND EGGS at 2:30am? I would have to say that nothing gets better than that. Bacon and eggs always tastes the best at night before going to bed. Sure its unhealthy, but I could use a couple of extra pounds LOL.

So thats about it for this week. All the school work is done and now I have nothing to worry about until my Chinese test next thursday. Well at least I enjoy going to that class and want to learn. So studying for it will not be too big of a chore for me.

I really don't have much else to say right now other than I am really tired right now, have to walk to school first thing in the morning to hand in the really crappy essay I wrote, then walk all the way back home just so that I can pick up the car and get some grocery shopping done. We are almost out of everything again, and we just went. This house is averaging about 2 dozen eggs, 1.5 pounds of bacon, 8 litres of milk, 2 loafs of chinese bread and one loaf or whole wheat bread in less than a week. Oh well, there is no real reason to buy food other than to eat it so why not?

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Well well well. I sorta updated my page. Basically all I did though was add some other bloggers on the side that I read every so often. So I really did not actually update my page, well other than this post perhaps, but thats just squeezing the sponge dry.

Anyway, so yea, I'm still kinda pissed off with all this crusty school work that I have had to do this year. Take home tests that we have 2 days to finish and take at least 5 good hours to do. Also essays about music that I don't really care to analyse (Ie Gregorian Chants). Soon it will all be over. I really cannot wait until December. Sure it snows and its cold in December, but at least I won't have to worry about stupid useless assignments that I could care less about. I could really use a nice break too.

Well how about something positive for a change. Jeez, I'm starting to sound like Dan lately; all I type is about things that suck LOL. Just kidding Dan.

Its the weekend soon. Looks like this weekend is gonna be a fun one. Hopefully I'll have some time to stop by at home and chat up a storm with the parents. I'm sure there is a lot of stuff there I can steal from them as well, like maybe an umbrella and some more meat. We are starting to run out of meat, and I'll probably die if there is no meat in the house. Can't live without meat, thats just wrong. Hopefully I can get some new shoes one of these days as well. I mean, theres a hole large enough in one of them that I can stick my foot though. Now thats not a good thing to have during these cold winter months that we will soon encounter. A better winter jacket would be nice as well, considering the one I have now has no lining, so basically all it does is breaks the wind. While I'm at it some gloves and some long johns. Heh I could probably go on forever about stuff that I should get, but I won't. HA!

Anyway I think thats about all I should say for now. I need to finish my take home test thats due first thing tomorrow morning and I also need to find a topic, start and finish an essay but first thing on Thursday morning. C ya lates!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

So much to do so little time

I honestly feel like crawling up into a little ball right now and sleeping until im 40. That would be so nice. I'm not sure why, but right now I fell so drained right now. I feel like I am trying to do way too much, and not spending any time to just sit back and relax and enjoy all the good thing that I have right now. Does that seem like such a hard thing to do? Seemingly no, but for me it is.

It also doesn't really help that I decided to do a big gamble and bid on a Racquet on Ebay. I won the racquet, hoping it would be a real one since the seller said there was a serial number engraved on the cone. Well the racquet came, and there is a serial number. Thing is that the racquet is way to flexible to be an AT800 OF. Its also a little shorter than it should be. Other than that, it looks pretty good, has the right head shape and right grommet system. But its still a fakie, just a higher quality fakie, if thats possible LOL. Oh well, C'est la vie.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

A Year older, but not a Year Wiser

Well it seems that old age is catching up on me already. My shoulders are starting to hurt, my finger hurts right now, and my back is giving me problems. At this rate I am gonna be in a wheelchair in just a matter of weeks. Lets hope thats not the case. Anyway so things went farely well this weekend. Had Alex and Sean show up to do a little celebration of my Birthday. When the Nobleton crew comes over that can only mean one thing. Comsuming Alcohol! So they of course bought me the largest bottle of Jack Daniels that you could imagine. 3 Litres of JD!!!!!! That should last me at least a week. Heh just kidding. All I know is that it will keep me warm through the cold days of the winter.

School is starting to become a bother this year. I took a NATS course that seemed really interesting to me. Well so far all I have done was read this book, which also seemed interesting, and got confused by it because basically all it talks about is different concepts in Chemistry and Physics and does not really state why it does such a thing. Stupid book. The Professor isn't covering any subjects that are fun either. The whole first month she talked about how Scientists conduct experiments. This isn't the only course that is starting to get on my nerves. There is also my two Music foundation course I have to take this year; Counterpoint and Music and Cultures 2. So basically in Counterpoint we are learining how to compose songs from 400 years ago. I do not really care too much about that, I would rather learn more theory or something like that. In Music and Cultures, basically all we are doing right now is listening to Renessiance and Middle Ages music and analysing the songs to an unnessesary level. I don't see any point in that either. to me it takes the fun out of music. Just listen to the bloody song and enjoy it. The only courses that I enjoy this year are my Chinese course and my private lesson. I hope things will look up next year, because if they don't, I am not sure what I'm going to do.